Meet the Coldline team

We’re proud of our team culture here at Coldline – we’ve developed an amazing team spirit where everyone looks out for each other with a genuine support mentality and can-do attitude. It’s reassuring for every team member from the most experienced technician to the newly qualified, to know the whole team is there for them and ready to help.

Our team members have made valuable connections that go way beyond everyday colleague relationships – many have made lifelong friendships.

Collectively and individually, our team is committed to giving every customer the very best result – always seeking to give great value, working with the utmost honesty and integrity.

Our guys all enjoy the trade they’ve chosen – it’s so much more than ‘just a job’ for them. A feeling that shines through in their service and human interactions.

The Coldline team is highly trained, and we are continually evaluating gaps in knowledge and skills and sourcing training to help them each of them grow as technicians, as employees and as individuals.

Our work is the result of collaborative planning, consultation and discussion, exploring different options to ensure we present the most appropriate solutions for each project.

Our work

There is no ‘one size fits all’ - every job is an individual challenge, and a great deal of time and effort goes into ensuring we give you the most effective solution and the best outcome for your business. Whatever the job at hand, we will always explore opportunities to offer a better that will save you time and money in the long term.